Terry’s familiar writing style and introspective knowledge has gained high acclaim an an author.  Each of these books serves a different audience, and is backed by Terry’s expertise in each of these areas.


The Oxcart Technique – Blueprint For Success

#1 Bestselling book on Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble, as well as a Bestselling book on USA Today

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The most significant advancement in the science of goal setting in recent history.

  • Forrest M. Mims III, named “One of the 50 best brains in science” by Discover magazine.

Whatever your dreams and goals, Terry Fossum’s results-oriented book, The Oxcart Technique: Blueprint for Personal Success, provides you with a truly effective version of the carrot-and-stick technique that will lift your spirits and get results.

  • T. Harv Eker, Author, New York Times #1 Bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Terry cuts right to the chase in identifying and overcoming every challenge in an easily relatable and clear voice.  His humble candor about his own challenges and failures — and in applying the Oxcart Technique —  reinforces the great utility in this “blueprint for success” that everyone can apply for themselves.

  •  Paul Sean Hill, Leadership evangelist and former NASA-JSC Director of Mission Operations 

Are the old, “approved” marketing techniques not working as well as you want? To be successful in your marketing, what you need is something new, like my world-famous word-of-mouth networking technique, not something old. You see, success often results from “the uncommon application of common knowledge.” And Terry Fossum gives you a new, uncommon application for the “common knowledge” of the ‘carrot and stick’ marketing principle in his book, The Oxcart Technique: Blueprint for Personal Success. And it works — every time!

  • Ivan Misner, NY Times Bestselling Author and Founder of BNI

 All of us, to some degree or another, are controlled by culturally ingrained myths of various sorts. As I showed how to overcome financial myths in my bestselling book, Killing Sacred Cows, so you, too, can overcome any kind of myth or mental barrier in your own life. How? Terry Fossum’s new book, The Oxcart Technique: Blueprint for Personal Success, gives you a simple but powerful technique that can help you overcome any barriers standing in your way to whatever goal you want to achieve. Check it out! It’s amazingly powerful and effective!

  • Garrett B. Gunderson, #1 Wall Street Journal and New York Times Best-seller of Killing Sacred Cows

I’m dedicated to helping people achieve positive, lasting behavior change, for themselves, their people, and their teams. Terry Fossum’s book, The Oxcart Technique: Blueprint for Personal Success, focuses on that, too. This book gives you a novel twist to the old “carrot and stick” marketing principle that is simple — and simply powerful. Whether you want a successful marriage or to become a successful teacher or to quit smoking or to just earn more money for yourself and your company — Fossum’s The Oxcart Technique spotlights your way to success.

  • Marshall Goldsmith, Author of New York Times Best-Selling books Triggers, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and The Earned Life

From my time as a social worker in my early career, to becoming an entrepreneur and recognized globally as an optimization expert having worked with companies like Google, Disney and Forbes, I have always counted on helping people avoid the friction of pain and move towards the joy of what motivates them. The carrot the ox enjoys and the stick he avoids in Terry Fossum’s book, The Oxcart Technique: Blueprint for Personal Success will help you to be successful in everything you try. Read Fossum’s The Oxcart Technique and your life will go from driving an oxcart to cruising in a Lambourgini in a flash!

  • Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg- New York Times Best-Selling Authors ofWaiting for Your Cat to BarkCall To ActionAlways Be Testing

“Terry’s book will help you climb your mountain by thoughtful, systematic actions that use your emotions to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Terry is a master of motivation to help you join the magical journey of a life worth living. Terry inspires all with this book.”

  • Sarah Carlson, CFP, CLU, CHFC, Private Wealth Advisor, author of Facing Financial Fears

Rooted in a scientific theory that earned the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002, the Oxcart Technique stands the test of scientific scrutiny.  Albert Einstein said “The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.”  That’s exactly what Terry L. Fossum has done in the book you now hold in your hands.  What remains is for you to decide what you’re going to do with this ticket to the rest of your life.  

  • Dr. Dennis Tansley, PhD, faculty, Dartmouth College