one of my passions in life is Scouting. It had a tremendous impact on my life, and millions of others around the world. To give back, I serve on the Western Region as the Marketing Chair for a multi-day leadership seminar called Wood Badge. This is a resource site I’ve built for that course. You can get back to my main site HERE.
THANK YOU so much for the difference you’re making in the world! My name is Terry L. Fossum, the Wood Badge Marketing Chair for the Western Region. I’ve put this site together to help you market your course; I hope it’s helpful!
I AM A SCOUTER, JUST LIKE YOU! I’ve been in Scouting for nearly 50 years. And just like you, I believe FULLY in this program, so I want to do anything I can to help others promote the course in their own council. I don’t pretend to know everything, but what I do know I’m happy to share! Please understand that there is no budget for this – I’m doing all of it on my own dime (which is why it’s on my own personal website). If you don’t like something I have here, or disagree with it, feel very free not to use it! Otherwise, feel free to take whatever you like, and personalize it for your own needs.
It’s my goal to increase participation in Wood Badge by 30%. With your help, I believe we can do it. If you have ideas that have worked for your council, share them with us in the Discussion Forum below! And PLEASE SHARE THIS PAGE far and wide using the social media links at the bottom of the page, or simply by cutting and pasting the address into your Facebook, email, text; everywhere you can think of so as many Scouters see this as possible. Let’s change some lives.
Live with Adventure. Live with Honor. Live like a Scout!
UPDATE! I’M BLOWN AWAY! THERE ARE AMAZING IDEAS IN THE DISCUSSION FORUM! CHECK THEM OUT! And please share this page with all the Wood Badge people in your council by cutting and pasting this link!
PLEASE NOTE: These are just OUR ideas. There are many more great ideas in the Discussion Forum below!
To place this video directly into your social media, emails, texts, etc., copy and paste the following link:
Mortimore Productions has offered to personalize this video with your course dates, registration info, etc. for a greatly reduced Scouting rate of $50. Contact them directly at 509.327.8384.